
GitHub Actions - Substitute Secrets into Tokenised File

Substitute GitHub Secrets into a File, matching on a specified Token format.

Just Released
GitHub Action - Substitute Secrets into Tokenised File (v1.0.0)

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I started using GitHub Actions in earnest recently. I'm more familiar with Azure DevOps, but it seems clear that GitHub Actions is the future (or, at least, more likely the future).

Something that seemed to be missing was a minimalist approach to substituting Secrets into tokenised files.

Many examples I found online required listing out env: inputs for each Action / script to pass secrets through like so:

  MY_SECRET: ${{ secrets.MY_SECRET }}
  # Repeat ad nauseam.

Keeping this up to date with additions / removals (especially if it's repeated across various Actions / Workflows) would be tedious.

I wanted something more akin to the various options that exist in Azure DevOps for substituting Secrets into tokenised files.

From the

Assume we have a source-controlled file config.json like so:

    "ConnectionString": "${CONNECTIONSTRING}",
    "Preferences": {
        "SomeFixedValue": "Always the same",
        "Currency": "${PREFERENCES_CURRENCY}"

We want to manage CONNECTIONSTRING and PREFERENCES_CURRENCY (and potentially a hundred more configuration values) via GitHub Secrets with matching names. We do not want to list them out manually in all of our Workflow YAML files and evaluate a series of ${{ secrets.NAME }} expressions whenever we want to use them. Instead, we want to bulk-replace them succinctly.

With this GitHub Action, we can do that.

GitHub Secrets

CONNECTIONSTRING = Data Source=123.456.789.123,1433;Initial Catalog=MyDB;User ID=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;


... etc

Workflow YAML

- name: Substitute Secrets
  uses: Lambdaspire/action-substitute-secrets-in-file@v1.0.0

    # The (single) file to target.
    file: config.json

    # The (single) file output.
    # Optional - defaults to same as ":"file"
    output: config.json

    # The token pattern.
    # Must include the string "TOKEN".
    # e.g.
    #   ${TOKEN}
    #   #{TOKEN}#
    #   <TOKEN/>
    #   <!-- TOKEN -->
    tokenPattern: ${TOKEN}

    # Passes GitHub Secrets as a JSON string to the action.
    # This MUST be supplied.
    # It MUST be exactly "${{ toJSON(secrets) }}".
    secretsJson: ${{ toJSON(secrets) }}

The Action will replace all occurrences of ${TOKEN} (where TOKEN is any GitHub Secret name) with the associated Secret value. After execution, our config.json will look like:

    "ConnectionString": "Data Source=123.456.789.123,1433;Initial Catalog=MyDB;User ID=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;",
    "Preferences": {
        "SomeFixedValue": "Always the same",
        "Currency": "Bitcoin"


File Formats

The file format needn't be JSON. It can be anything. The Action will simply look inside any nominated file for any string that matches the token format and attempt to substitute it with the corresponding GitHub Secret value.

Missing Secrets

Tokens in a file without any matching Secret will be listed in a warning during execution.


The output input (🤔) is optional. By default, the Action will replace the file in-place. If an output is specified, the original file will not be modified and instead the substitution will be outputted to a file at the specified path.